Saturday, January 15, 2011

When I was your age....

In my mind I am still somewhere between 18 and 21.  Granted, the outside is starting to show some wear and tear, although I still don't think I look like I'm in my 30's (well, at least I hope not).  The only difference on the inside is perhaps a lot more self confidence and a little less emotional imbalance, but aside from that, I have this perception that I still exist in my prime; That things are still made for my generation, and we are the centre of the universe.  However, every once in awhile I am reminded that I am moving on in my life.  You would think that my kids would do this to me, but I really think they actually make me feel younger because I get to experience life again through their eyes.  What makes me feel the oldest is when I talk to others who I perceive are from my generation, but have no clue about the events or, in this case, the technology I take for granted.

The incident in question started at the hairdresser's. I was chatting with my stylist about cell phones, when she mentioned she knew a kid that racked up $1000 in charges on his new phone in one month.  Since I do understand about apps, downloads and other ways to spend money on a phone, I was able to keep up with her conversation.  In fact, I decided to tell her about a time when Mike and I got a bill for $450 for a week in Edmonton (we lived in BC at the time) because of roaming charges. She looked at me like I was crazy. She had no idea what roaming charges were.  My experience occurred back in 1998, so I asked her how old she was then...she said she was 7.....7!!?? Seriously??  I was in University by then.  1998 really seems like just yesterday sometimes. My daughter is almost 7 (well, 2 year away, but close enough), and I hope it takes longer for her to grow up than the time from 1998 until now.

As a mom, that thought scares me.  What if it goes by that fast? I'm not ready to see our lives pass so quickly. It makes me wonder if I am doing enough every day to enjoy each stage my children go through, or am I just letting each day pass without taking advantage of the little bit of time my children will be innocent and sweet? I know that's more sentimental than I usually get, but the thought of time passing so fast makes me want to hold my children close and not let go.

So, we are all getting older, and will all have stories about what life was like back in 'our day.'  Hopefully we can hold on to a little piece of the present and enjoy what little time we have at each stage before it becomes another piece of our history.


  1. what? you have kids? I thought you and Mike were still living in the apartment in Kelowna??? ;)

  2. reminds me of something that happened last week. I have a TUB full of Disney movies but they are all on VHS. My Dad had his old VCR still, and when he got a Blue Ray player for Christmas he offered me the VCR to play the movies. WELL...this resulted in the following conversation:
    Cole: "What's that?"
    Me: "A VCR, it plays movies"
    Cole: "But the movies are to skinny to put in there"
    Me: "No, Mommy has some movies that are on video tapes. This is a VCR"
    Cole: "What's a video tape?"
    Me: "Nevermind...*sigh*"
