Friday, January 7, 2011

Please don't feed the dust bunnies

Someone once said that when you give birth to a child, you give birth to guilt.  I wouldn't have believed it before having kids. Now though, I feel guilty about everything. Not spending enough time with my children, not spending enough time with Mike, spending too much time with the baby and not with the others, not calling my friends as often, not keeping my house immaculate...the list goes on and on.  I know most of you will say that I don't have to be supermom, but there really is a pressure to be perfect because it feels like everyone else around you has it all together. Well, I am ready to admit that I can't be perfect, so this week we hired a cleaning lady. Thanks to a generous Christmas gift that will help start the process, I am no longer going to have to feel guilty, and I am no longer going to have to deep clean my house....yippee!!!

I knew it was finally time for a cleaner this week when a few incidents finally pushed me to make the call. First, Julian is finally potty trained (thank God!), but he really likes to pee standing up.  AND, he really does not want much help now that he is a 'big boy' (many of you Moms that have had boys probably know where I'm going with this).  I can't count the number of times this week that I've been peed on, had to change my clothes, and had to mop up pee off of pretty much every surface in the bathroom.  Since he can't really aim yet (his belly gets in the way of him seeing anything), he just goes for it and hopes everything makes it in the potty.  That actually makes me kind of feel bad for our cleaning lady, but not bad enough to not hire her. I'll probably still have to clean up his messes anyway, but I'm sure there will be more than enough residual to keep her busy.

The second incident this week actually came after I made the call, but helped reinforce my desire for someone else to clean my house.  I had finally put Gabe down asleep in his crib (he is needing to be held all the time now to fall asleep) when Alie comes into the room and loudly proclaims that she has written 'Alie and Julian' on the bathroom wall. When asked why she did this, she says she can't remember her reason for defacing the wall (typical), so I go an look, and yep, in many different colours of non-washable crayon, Alie has staked a claim on our bathroom wall. She knew she was in trouble, and did help clean it up, but I had to give her points for coming out and telling me instead of letting me find it.  Trying to build trust is HARD!! So, I was able to get Mike to bring home magic erasers and he and Alie cleaned up the writing. Oh cleaning lady, you have no idea what you are coming into.

So, our first official cleaning is next Thursday.  I am going to leave my house dirty, and hopefully not feel bad that someone else is cleaning when I really should be doing it myself. At least it is one thing off my list of guilt, although I'm sure I'll find something to take it's place.

Oh, and we can call of the search for my abs. My kick boxing instructor found them for me...ouch.

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