Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My pity to join?

So, I think I'm getting sick. I guess I deserve to get a cold since I haven't had one since last May, but it really sucks feeling under the weather when you have three kids at home. My kids love it because they get to watch more TV when Mommy's not feeling well, but those kids cartoon voices are so piercingly loud when your head is foggy from a cold.  And poor Julian is going through a tantrum phase which Mommy has no patience for because his cute little voice is not so cute when he's screaming at the top of his lungs because I won't let him leave the bathroom without washing his hands. Alie seems to understand a little.  She gives me hope that the boys will one day be able to sympathize, although sometimes even she too really just needs Mommy to get her a glass of!! God should have made it so that Mom's have some super high immunity to colds so that they can take care of their family when they are all sick.

Not only am I getting sick, but I think Mike and Gabe are as well.  This wouldn't be so bad, except that when Gabe is sick, he is up more than normal (which is a lot recently), and this does nothing when my body is trying to heal.  And when Mike is sick, he "can't" help because he is sick (sigh). I will back track a little here and say that Mike is the best Dad and husband. He helps out a lot! But when he is sick, he is a typical man and needs to be taken care of just as much as the kids do.  So, this leaves me bleary eyed and sniffling, running in between beds night and day, helping everyone else get better, while my cold just lingers on.  I'm sure I'm not the only Mom that does this, it just gets to be a little crazy sometimes.

Now, the best part of all of this is that once everyone is better, I usually get a chance to rest. Because Mike is so helpful, once he is feeling healthy he will watch the kids while I get a little sleep (he WILL, mostly because he really won't have much So, for now, I just plug on, hoping that tomorrow everyone will feel better, and I may be able to finally get some rest.

1 comment:

  1. Alana, I sometimes thought that we women had more of an immune system than the men and more stamina. It will get better but all kids will run to mommy for comfort. Take comfort that they will grow up (way too soon). Love Auntie Darlene Prayers for quick recovery :)
